I was skeptical of coming to Bali.
It’s become so well known that it’s attracted a cliche and stigma. But I want to find things out for myself whenever I hear strong opinions.
Here’s what Bali taught me about scaling my one-person business.
I take a morning walk to the beach every day.
Just before the beach entrance, there’s a parking lot.
One guy sits there all day collecting payments.
Roughly 50c for a bike and $1 (AUD) for a car.
But the low cost is balanced by high volume and frequency.
There are hundreds of bikes & cars coming and going every hour.
The best part about the business?
There’s no:
- Capital expenditure to invest in.
- Technology to implement.
- Large teams to employ.
- Long wait for profit.
It’s just:
- One person
- Offering one simple solution to…