Be me — going about my work day, minding my own business, perhaps enjoying a quick coffee by the water cooler (is that too oxymoronic?), when suddenly, out of nowhere, I overhear:
“[something something something] synergy.”
Nails on a chalkboard. My brain screeches to a halt. I can’t think anymore. It’s like the roof caved in.
That was me back in my consulting days. (And by the way, Weird Al did this topic great justice in his masterpiece “Mission Statement”.)
Today, though, we’re not here to discuss consulting terms. We’re here for startup terms.
The startup world is full of jargon that has spread as fast as a viral TikTok dance — with similar head-scratching confusion regarding why. While some of these buzzwords were coined with the best of intentions, they’ve morphed into the verbal equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. Not just because they’re overused, but also because they’re so often misunderstood.
So, what are these “synergies” of the startup world?
Let me tell you!