It’s hard to believe that it has been only 11 years since we launched RWM…
I am in Huntington Beach, California at at FutureProof 2024 — I’ll get some photos up later this week — but I don’t have time to get lost in any nostalgia
If you are interested in our history, check out any of the links below — or my or Josh‘s announcements when we launched.
The 11th anniversary is steel (I jumped the gun by a year), but all of us are very much looking forward to what we can accomplish in the next decade.
Much more to come…
10 Years On (September 18, 2023)
10 Things I Have Learned Launching RWM (September 16, 2019)
Our Exorbitant Privilege (June 19, 2018)
What is your Value Add ? (April 12, 2018)
5 Years On . . . (September 17, 2018)
Announcing: Ritholtz Wealth Management (September 16, 2013)
The post RWM 11th Anniversary (Steel) appeared first on The Big Picture.